10819 - Trouble of 13-Dots (DP, programación dinámica, Knapsack 0/1) && 820 - Interne...
[andmenj-acm.git] / 11367 - Full tank? / 11367.2.cpp
1 /*
2 Time limit exceeded + Wrong answer!
3 */
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <vector>
6 #include <queue>
7 //#include <cassert>
9 using namespace std;
11 const int MAXN = 1000, MAXC = 100;
13 struct edge{
14 int i, g, w;
15 edge(){}
16 edge(int I, int G, int W) : i(I), g(G), w(W) {}
17 bool operator < (const edge &that) const {
18 return w > that.w;
23 int p[MAXN], //Prices
24 d[MAXN][MAXC+1],
26 mind[MAXN][MAXN]; //mind[i][j] = Min distance from node i to j
28 vector<edge> g[MAXN];
30 int min_distance(const int &start, const int &end){
31 if (mind[start][end] == -1){
32 vector<int> d(n, INT_MAX);
33 d[start] = 0;
34 priority_queue<edge> q;
35 q.push(edge(start, 0, 0));
36 while (q.size()){
37 edge u = q.top();
38 q.pop();
39 if (u.i == end){
40 mind[start][end] = u.w;
41 break;
43 if (d[u.i] < u.w) continue;
44 vector<edge> &v = g[u.i];
45 for (int j=0; j<v.size(); ++j){
46 int distance = v[j].w;
47 int neighbor = v[j].i;
48 if (u.w + distance < d[neighbor]){
49 d[neighbor] = u.w + distance;
50 q.push(edge(neighbor, 0, d[neighbor]));
55 return mind[start][end];
60 int dijkstra(const int &start, const int &end, const int &c){
61 for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
62 for (int j=0; j<=c; ++j)
63 d[i][j] = INT_MAX;
65 priority_queue<edge> q;
66 q.push(edge(start, 0, 0));
67 d[start][0] = 0;
69 while (q.size()){
70 edge u = q.top();
71 q.pop();
73 //printf("popped <%d, %d, %d>\n", u.i, u.g, u.w);
74 if (u.i == end){
75 return u.w;
77 if (d[u.i][u.g] < u.w) continue;
79 vector<edge> &v = g[u.i];
80 for (int j=0; j<v.size(); ++j){
81 int distance = v[j].w;
82 int neighbor = v[j].i;
84 //no comprar nada
85 if (u.g >= distance){
86 int new_gas = u.g - distance;
87 if (u.w < d[neighbor][new_gas]){
88 d[neighbor][new_gas] = u.w;
89 q.push(edge(neighbor, new_gas, u.w));
93 //comprar lo justito para llegar allá
94 if (u.g < distance){
95 int k = distance - u.g;
96 if ( u.g + k <= c ){ //No puedo exceder el tanque
97 int w_extra = k*p[u.i];
98 if (u.w + w_extra < d[neighbor][0]){
99 d[neighbor][0] = u.w + w_extra;
100 q.push(edge(neighbor, 0, u.w + w_extra));
105 //llenar el tanque
106 if ( distance <= c ){
107 int k = std::min(c, min_distance(neighbor, end)) - u.g;
108 if (0 <= k && u.g + k <= c){ //no tengo más gasolina de la que necesito
109 int w_extra = k*p[u.i];
110 int new_gas = u.g - distance + k;
111 if (u.w + w_extra < d[neighbor][new_gas]){
112 d[neighbor][new_gas] = u.w + w_extra;
113 q.push(edge(neighbor, new_gas, u.w + w_extra));
119 /* for (int k = distance - u.g; k <= c + distance - u.g; ++k){
120 int new_gas = u.g - distance + k;
121 if (k >= 0 && 0 <= new_gas && u.g + k <= c ){
122 int w_extra = k*p[u.i];
123 //assert(w_extra >= 0);
124 if (u.w + w_extra < d[neighbor][new_gas]){
125 d[neighbor][new_gas] = u.w + w_extra;
126 q.push(edge(neighbor, new_gas, u.w + w_extra));
127 //printf(" pushed <%d, %d, %d>\n", neighbor, new_gas, u.w + w_extra);
134 return INT_MAX;
138 int main(){
139 int m;
140 scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);
141 for (int i=0; i<n; ++i){
142 scanf("%d", &p[i]);
143 for (int j=0; j<n; ++j){
144 mind[i][j] = -1;
146 mind[i][i] = 0;
149 while (m--){
150 int u, v, d;
151 scanf("%d %d %d", &u, &v, &d);
152 g[u].push_back(edge(v, 0, d));
153 g[v].push_back(edge(u, 0, d));
156 int q;
157 scanf("%d", &q);
158 while (q--){
159 int c, s, e;
160 scanf("%d %d %d", &c, &s, &e);
161 int t = dijkstra(s, e, c);
162 if (t < INT_MAX){
163 printf("%d\n", t);
164 }else{
165 printf("impossible\n");
168 return 0;